Dr. Baucham is one of the most sought-after preachers of his generation with a unique blend of sound biblical exposition, theological content, and down-to-earth demeanor. He is a pastor, church planter, author, professor, husband,
father and …chef. He formally holds several degrees and currently serves as Pastor of Preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, TX where he resides with his wife and 6 children.
Steve Demme Steve and his wife Sandra have been married for 30 years and have been blessed with four boys, all graduates of home education. He is the founder of MathUSee and is on the board of Joni and Friends for Eastern
PA. He has spent years working with youth as a teacher, pastor and counselor. He is absolutely convinced that the single most significant influence in a child’s life is that of his parents.
Home schooling pioneers Rick & Marilyn Boyer have taught all 14 of their children at home since 1980. Today author and speaker Rick Boyer takes his dynamic message of biblical discipleship-based home education across America and
around the world. Through his heartfelt speaking style, Rick reaches hearts as well as minds.He believes that Scripture gives a powerful model for the upbringing of children and that they can grow into wise, proactive Christian adults who achieve great works for the glory of God.
Bill Jack Bill Jack is an educator with ten years experience in secular schools and 14 years with The Caleb Campaign, a creationist youth ministry. Bill Jack is faculty advisor for Worldview Academy. Bill’s passion is to
raise up a generation who have the vision to reach their culture with the gospel, who have the valor to engage that culture with the truth and who rely on the virtue of the Word of God. Bill and his wife, Tabby, homeschool and live with their three children in Castle Rock, CO.
Phone: 847-603-1259 (Monday-Friday, 1:00PM-5:00PM)