2010 ICHE State Convention June 3-5 2010. Calvary Church Naperville,IL.
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Home > Speakers & Workshops

  1. Voddie Baucham
  2. Steve Demme
  3. Rick Boyer
  4. Bill Jack

More than 100 exciting workshops from over 25 stimulating speakers

  1. Timothy Botts
  2. Marilyn Boyer
  3. Lainna Callentine
  4. Dan Caswell
  5. Susan Chrisman
  6. David D'Armond
  7. Joe Denner
  8. Jeremy Fritz
  9. Wanda Gibert
  10. Steve and Sandi Grutzius
  11. Joyce Herzog
  12. Dan Hoffman
  13. Maggie Hogan
  14. Jeff and Melissa Lewis
  15. Jonathan Lewis
  16. Cedric Sauncers
  17. David Smith
  18. David Weinberger

Cedric Saunders - BIO & WORKSHOPS

Cedric Saunders

Speaker: Cedric Saunders


Cedric and Bonnie have 6 children including one married and one in the US Marines Corps. They have homeschooled their children since 1992. Bonnie is a gifted homemaker and the primary teacher for our homeschool. I am a Senior Tool Designer for Honeywell and the associate pastor for Hillview Church of God in Kansas City, Kansas. For more than 15 years they have ministered locally and nationally to a variety of audiences with music and storytelling. God has blessed me with an amazing ability to play the trumpet without the trumpet. With that gift I perform Gospel Music for concerts, conventions, worship services, weddings and special occasions. I also appeared on America’s Funniest People and That’s Funny televisions shows playing the trumpet without the trumpet. Through storytelling my objective is to bring history to life through original sketches of men of character.





Getting Started in Storytelling

Friday & Saturday

Both young and old enjoy excellent storytelling. This dynamic tool can be used to teach about fascinating historical characters or to liven up an otherwise drab subject. From our own homeschool of 6 to an auditorium, I have used this tool to teach and to entertain. I will cover a variety of subjects such as character selection, the importance of original source documents, economical costuming and props, presentation techniques and my experience presenting Christian characters.

Dr. George Washington Carver


Dressed as Dr. Carver, I dramatize his life in his voice. I will explain how God led him from his humble beginnings on the farm to his discovery of hundreds of products derived from the peanut. Many products are displayed at the end of the skit.

Booker T. Washington


Dressed in character, I tell how God brought this powerful speaker up from slavery and positioned him to inspire his people and the nation to unite, use what they have, strive for excellence and develop a better country by becoming a better individual.

Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego

Thursday Night Funshop

This is a dramatic word for word recitation of Daniel Chapter 3 in the King James Version. Performed in costume to music.

David & Goliath-Movie Night


Written for children and enjoyed by adults. During this presentation I perform David, Goliath, King Saul, and many other characters to illustrate how God can use even a youth to conquer insurmountable odds.

The Lump of Clay-Minority Gathering Only


This story tells of a lump of clay that wanted to be shaped and molded into a grand object of affection. Instead, the potter made him a pot…a plain old pot. The surprise ending reveals that God, as the potter, shapes us, the clay, for his purposes. (Originally written by Author Larry Guthrie of the Children’s Institute and modified by Cedric Saunders.)
  1. - The Schedule
  2. - Follow The Pathway
  3. - Registration Information
  4. - About Us
  5. - Map & Location
  6. - Contact Us

Illinois Christian Home Educators

Phone: 847-603-1259 (Monday-Friday, 1:00PM-5:00PM)