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Cedric Saunders - BIO & WORKSHOPS
Speaker: Cedric Saunders
Cedric and Bonnie have 6 children including one married and one in the US Marines Corps. They have homeschooled their children since 1992. Bonnie is a gifted homemaker and the primary teacher for our homeschool. I am a Senior Tool Designer for Honeywell and the associate pastor for Hillview Church of God in Kansas City, Kansas. For more than 15 years they have ministered locally and nationally to a variety of audiences with music and storytelling. God has blessed me with an amazing ability to play the trumpet without the trumpet. With that gift I perform Gospel Music for concerts, conventions, worship services, weddings and special occasions. I also appeared on America’s Funniest People and That’s Funny televisions shows playing the trumpet without the trumpet. Through storytelling my objective is to bring history to life through original sketches of men of character.