2010 ICHE State Convention June 3-5 2010. Calvary Church Naperville,IL.
Register Online

Home > Registration Information

  1. Registration Discounts
  2. Register For A Free Gift!
  3. Main-in Registration
  4. Children/Nursing Infants
  5. Convention Day Check-in
  6. Walk-in Registration
  7. Volunteer Workers Needed
  8. Download & Print the 2010 ICHE Convention Brochure

Registration Information

Registration Options
  1. Three Day: covers all shopping and workshop opportunities as well as keynote sessions.

  2. Two Day: covers all shopping and workshop opportunities as well as keynote sessions for any two day combination (Thur/Fri, Fri/Sat, Thur/Sat). To attend the Thursday Exhibit Hall Premier, your two-day must include Thursday.

  3. Thursday Only: covers all workshops and the keynote sessions as well as the Thursday Exhibit Hall Premier.

  1. Individual Adults and their Young Adultswho Register by May 1st receive a $5 discount. The Registration form must be postmarked by May 1st or be received at www.iche.org before midnight May 1st.

  2. Group Discount: Any group can combine to receive a $5 discount for each Individual Adult (Spouses are still free) when 15 or more registration forms are submitted together and paid with one check. Group

Register and receive a Free Gift! Gifts are always fun! As a special thank you for attending the Illinois Christian Home Educators conference, we thought you might enjoy these packing supplies for your homeschooling journey. Be sure to include your packing address (e-mail) on your registration!
Registration Free For Non-Homeschooling Grandparents
We encourage grandparents and pastors and their wives who are not home educating their children or grandchildren themselves to attend this convention ... free! Add their names to your registration or bring them with you and register them at the door. We desire for pastors and grandparents to understand what we’re doing and why we’re doing it! Look for the special sessions on the workshop schedule being prepared for them. The pastor’s or grandparent’s name should be entered on the registration form of the attending person who is sponsoring the pastor/grandparent. Please list their name clearly in the appropriate space on the registration form, so that a name badge can be customized for them.
Registration Free For Non-Homeschooling Pastors
We encourage grandparents and pastors and their wives who are not home educating their children or grandchildren themselves to attend this convention ... free! Add their names to your registration or bring them with you and register them at the door. We desire for pastors and grandparents to understand what we’re doing and why we’re doing it! Look for the special sessions on the workshop schedule being prepared for them. The pastor’s or grandparent’s name should be entered on the registration form of the attending person who is sponsoring the pastor/grandparent. Please list their name clearly in the appropriate space on the registration form, so that a name badge can be customized for them.
Please register online. If you choose to mail in your registration, complete one registration form (which is stapled into the center of this brochure) for each family or individual adult.
This year we are encouraging pre-teens (11-12) and teens (13-17) and young adults (18+) to attend the convention with you. The registration fee for teens and young adults registering with a parent is $25. ($5 discount is available for early registration.)
We do not encourage children under 11 years of age to attend the convention. Our goal is to educate parents, and we feel that children will benefit more, in the long run, from having parents attend the convention, than from being there themselves.
Bring your name badge to Registration in the Atrium of the church to pick up your handbook, badge cover and freebies! Name badges are to be worn at all times. They are your proof of registration.
Registration remains open throughout the convention. Add a day if you like, or bring a friend. They will be able to register at the door. Except for emergencies, there will be no refunds after June 1st.
Every year dozens of wonderful, servanthearted attendees willingly sacrifice part of their time at the convention. Why? Because they understand that without their help, it would be impossible to have a quality convention. This is a partnership that ICHE treasures and depends on. If you are interested in serving, please let us know!
  1. - The Schedule
  2. - Follow The Pathway
  3. - Registration Information
  4. - About Us
  5. - Map & Location
  6. - Contact Us

Illinois Christian Home Educators

Phone: 847-603-1259 (Monday-Friday, 1:00PM-5:00PM)