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Marily Boyer - BIO & WORKSHOPS
Speaker: Marilyn Boyer
Marilyn Boyer, with her husband Rick is the parent of 14 children, all home schooled since kindergarten. Marilyn’ message of hands-on , heart-to-heart parenting has traveled around the world through her books, recordings, and her challenging, encouraging talks to home schooling parents. With three decades of home education experience behind her, Marilyn understands the needs of children and parents as well. She has a rare ability to apply the practical truths of Scripture to the task of childrearing, always with her goal in mind of raising up sons and daughters who will have passion for the needs of the world around them and will exhibit servant leadership in engaging the culture and fighting the battle for the faith. Marilyn shows how learning is in fact simple, natural, and normal. She takes the mystery out of education and shows how God’s plan is the answer for all the challenges of parenting in troubled times. Come and hear Marilyn Boyer for a double dose of inspiration and encouragement!
Hands-On Character Building Thursday
The sixth chapter of Deuteronomy tells us to teach the principles of Scripture to our children by talking of them when we lie down, rise up, sit in our house, and walk by the way. Further, we are to write God’s words as signs on our hands and phylacteries for our foreheads and on the doorposts of our houses and on our gate. How can these principles be applied today? This workshop shows how you can put Scripture on your "doorposts" (they physical structure of you home), your "phylacteries" (wearing apparel), and remind your children of the truth of God during the four natural learning times: bedtime, waking up, sitting at home and traveling. Dozens of projects including craft ideas, games, study projects and creative family devotions will be given to provide you with practical applications for your desire to train your children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Getting It All Done Friday
Have you ever felt overwhelmed with the demands of parenting? Life is certainly a challenge for parents, and especially those who accept the added responsibility of home education. But there are ways to make life easier and more productive, and this workshop discusses some of those. Marilyn Boyer, mother of fourteen children and a veteran home educator of twenty-seven years' experience, shares her techniques for accomplishing a mammoth amount of housework while giving her children a superior education at the same time.
Home Educating with Babies & Toddlers & Loving It Saturday
It's a blessing, but it can be stressing! Home schooling with tiny ones around the house is a special challenge, but one that many moms handle with great success. Come hear how Marilyn Boyer, mother of 14 and a homeschooler of 22 years' experience, makes her little ones a valuable part of the team!
Holding their Hearts Thursday
This session explains how the key to raising children who love God is in the heart-to-heart relationship between parent and child where children are not just trained, but discipled. Take the time to give your children the security of knowing they have your heart. In so doing you are making it easier for them to freely give their heart back to their Creator, and that is our mission. Catch a vision of how you can reach and hold the heart of your child and build fulfilling family relationships that will be passed on through generations.
Obedience from the Heart Saturday
Nothing more blesses the heart of a parent than a child who obeys consistently and willingly. Many moms and dads however, miss the mark by trying to change behavior without changing the heart. Marilyn shows why the task of the loving parent is not merely to control outward behavior, but to build godly attitudes by ministering to the spirit of the child!
Rekindling Our Founders’ Vision Friday
Their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor! America's Founding fathers were willing to sacrifice everything in order to give to their posterity "one nation under God." Two centuries later, America and her leaders seem to have wandered astray from the Biblical principles on which our nation was founded. Come and listen as historical writer Marilyn Boyer, author of For You They Signed, points the way back to the principles that made America great. Teach your children to put God first in their lives and reclaim our country's future by embracing the glory of her past!
Building a Work Ethic in Your Children Saturday
In a time when young people are generally expected to be lazy and irresponsible, diligent sons and daughters stand head and shoulders above the crowd. Come and learn how to instill a heart of servanthood in your child!
Why I'm Glad I Home Schooled Through High School Friday
Marilyn Boyer is no stranger to the joys and challenges of raising teenagers. With ten sons and daughters now having graduated from high school at home, Marilyn shares why she taught them herself from kindergarten through the high school years and why she wouldn't consider doing it any other way.