2010 ICHE State Convention June 3-5 2010. Calvary Church Naperville,IL.
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  1. Voddie Baucham
  2. Steve Demme
  3. Rick Boyer
  4. Bill Jack

More than 100 exciting workshops from over 25 stimulating speakers

  1. Timothy Botts
  2. Marilyn Boyer
  3. Lainna Callentine
  4. Dan Caswell
  5. Susan Chrisman
  6. David D'Armond
  7. Joe Denner
  8. Jeremy Fritz
  9. Wanda Gibert
  10. Steve and Sandi Grutzius
  11. Joyce Herzog
  12. Dan Hoffman
  13. Maggie Hogan
  14. Jeff and Melissa Lewis
  15. Jonathan Lewis
  16. Cedric Sauncers
  17. David Smith
  18. David Weinberger

Voddie Baucham- BIO & WORKSHOPS

Voddie Baucham

Speaker: Voddie Baucham


Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr. has been referred to as an
“Evangelist to intellectuals.” He is one of the most sought-after preachers of his generation. His unique blend of sound biblical exposition, theological content, down-to-earth demeanor and engaging presence make it clear why this man is considered a modern day prophet.

However, that is only part of the story. He is also a pastor, church planter, author, (The Ever Loving Truth, Broadman /Holman, 2004; Family Driven Faith, Crossway, 2007) professor, husband, father and …chef. Born in Los Angeles California in 1969, Voddie was raised by his single, teen-aged mother after his father went off to pursue a career in professional football. Voddie was not raised in a Christian home. In fact, his mother was a practicing Buddhist. It was not until his freshman year in college that he actually heard, understood and responded to the saving message of Jesus Christ.

However, that is only part of the story. He is also a pastor, church planter, author, (The Ever Loving Truth, Broadman /Holman, 2004; Family Driven Faith, Crossway, 2007) professor, husband, father and …chef. Born in Los Angeles California in 1969, Voddie was raised by his single, teen-aged mother after his father went off to pursue a career in professional football. Voddie was not raised in a Christian home. In fact, his mother was a practicing Buddhist. It was not until his freshman year in college that he actually heard, understood and responded to the saving message of Jesus Christ.

The Baucham’s are a committed homeschool family. Voddie and Bridget both educate their children. They view education as an essential aspect of discipleship (Luke 6:40), and have seen firsthand the dangers of surrendering this crucial ground. They are both advocates and exponents of home education.

Dr. Baucham’s formal theological training began at Houston Baptist University where he earned BAs in Christianity and Sociology. From there he went on to earn degrees from Southwestern and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminaries, respectively, and has done additional post-graduate study at the University of Oxford, England. His academic disciplines include Evangelism/Missions and Apologetics. He has served as an adjunct professor at a number of colleges and seminaries, including the College of Biblical Studies (Houston), and Union University (Jackson, TN).

What is not as well known, however, is Dr. Baucham’s commitment to the local church. Far from a roving itinerant, he has served on numerous church staffs over the past 17 years. In fact, he has spent 16 of the last 17 years laboring in the local church. He has spent 9 years as a Pastor of Missions, 4 years as a Teaching Pastor, and currently serves as Pastor of Preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, TX where he resides with his wife and 6 children.





KEYNOTE: Family Driven Faith


An urgent call to parents--and the church--to return to biblical discipleship in and through the home. More teens are turning away from the faith than ever before: It is estimated that 75 to 88% of Christian teens walk away from Christianity by the end of their freshman year of college. Something must be done. This keynote equips Christian parents with the tools they need to raise children biblically in a post-Christian, anti-family society. Voddie, who with his wife has overcome a multi-generational legacy of broken and dysfunctional homes, shows that God has not left us alone in raising godly children. He has given us timeless precepts and principles for multi-generational faithfulness, especially in Deuteronomy 6. God's simple command to Moses to teach the Word diligently to the children of Israel serves as the foundation.

KEYNOTE: Thoroughly Christian Education


Dr. Voddie Baucham shares what most parents are quick to dismiss: Whoever is teaching our children is also discipling them. He argues that Christian parents need to take the initiative in their children’s education and stop turning them over to the anti-God environment of the government school. Using Scripture, statistics, and sound reasoning, Voddie powerfully makes the case that whoever controls the schools does indeed control the world.

The Ever-Loving Truth


Voddie Baucham has a message for Christians in today's culture's time to take a stand for the truth. In this workshop, he addresses the cost of being a twenty-first century Christian and helps adults apply the unchanging truth of God's Word to contemporary life issues. Parallels are drawn between committed Christians in our society and the New Testament writers, Peter and John, as followers of Christ who proclaimed and stood for truth in their non-Christian environment. Participants will find this compelling talk leads them to evaluate what it means to be a Christian today and how to apply God's unchanging truth to a variety of circumstances.

Cultural Apologetics


How do we analyze culture from a biblical perspective? In today’s world, knowing what we believe, why we believe it and being able to communicate it effectively to others isn’t so easy ... or is it? Join Voddie and find out how!

How Education Affects Worldview & What that Means for Your Child


What is a worldview? How are worldviews developed? Is there a correlation between worldview and education? Does it matter where and how we educate our children? Should Christians send their children to public schools? This message tackles the issue of public education head on. There is a mass exodus of young adults from the church. This message demonstrates the role worldview plays in the contemporary crisis. Whether you are a parent, or you plan to be, you need to listen to this message.

Biblical Manhood


The Bible has much to say about manhood. Unfortunately what we learn from culture, from our families, and sometimes even from the church does not line up with what the Bible teaches. In this session we will examine key biblical texts that will help us think differently about what it means to be a man and what it means to raise them. NOTE: While the main topic is Biblical Manhood, Voddie also discusses women’s roles in this workshop. Women are invited to attend with their husbands.

Getting Your House in Order


Dr. Baucham turns his attention to the Christian home and explains what an “orderly” home should look like. Expounding on the Old Testament text of Deuteronomy 6, Voddie highlights six characteristics of a properly ordered home. Through personal testimony and biblical instruction, Voddie educates and motivates Christian parents to rise to the challenge of changing the world ~ one household at a time.

What He Must Be… If He Wants to Marry My Daughter


Dr. Baucham outlines ten qualities parents should look for in a son-in-law, including trustworthiness, a willingness to lead his family, an understanding of his wife’s role, and various spiritual leadership qualities. Author Voddie Baucham follows up on his popular book Family Driven Faith with this compelling apologetic of biblical manhood.
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Illinois Christian Home Educators

Phone: 847-603-1259 (Monday-Friday, 1:00PM-5:00PM)