Philosophy of Education: Your Compass - Susan Chrisman
Beyond the Textbooks - Rick Boyer (Friday)
Thinking Toward High School - Susan Chrisman (Friday)
Art & Music: Icing on the Cake or Essential Food for the Soul & Brain - Susan Chrisman (Saturday)
History for All Ages - Susan Chrisman (Saturday)
Habit Training: Key to Maintaining your Sanity - Susan Chrisman (Thursday)
Amazing Complexity & Design in Life - David D'Armond (Thursday)
Creation, Dinsaurs & The Ark - David D'Armond (Friday)
Teaching Science under the Attributes of God - David D'Armond (Friday)
The Bible Said it First - David D'Armond (Friday)
The Flood, the Tower & the Ice Age - David D'Armond (Saturday)
The Beat Goes On - Lainna Callentine (Thursday/Friday)
The Code of Life: For Teens and Pre-Teens - David D'Armond (Thursday/Satruday)
Ancient Civilizations: History Starts Here - Maggie Hogan (Thursday)
Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego: Thursday Night Funshop - Cedric Saunders (Friday)
Rekindling Our Founders' Vision - Marilyn Boyer(Friday)
George Washington Carver - Cedric Saunders (Friday)
David & Goliath: Movie Night - Cedric Saunders (Friday)
Packing a Punch with Timelines & Maps - Maggie Hogan (Friday)
History & Geography through Literature - Maggie Hogan (Friday)
History for All Ages - Susan Chrisman (Saturday)
Booker T. Washington - Cedric Saunders (Saturday)
Fun with Place Value in the Decimal System - Steve Demme (Thursday)
Elementary Algebra Taught Concretely - Steve Demme (Friday)
Seeing Fractions is Understanding Fractions - Steve Demme (Friday)
Teaching Reading with Success - Joyce Herzog (Friday)
History & Geography through Literature - Maggie Hogan (Friday)
Gavel Club: Preparing to Give an Answer - Dan Caswell (Friday/Saturday)
Simplified Grammar - Joyce Herzog (Saturday)
Poetry - Why Bother? - Maggie Hogan (Saturday)
Getting Started in Storytelling - Cedric Saunders (Friday/Saturday)
Classical Composers for Dummies: Music History for the Musically Challenged - Maggie Hogan (Friday)
Art & Music: Icing on the Cake or Essential Food for the Sould & Brain? - Susan Chrisman (Saturday)
Wow-Booking - Maggie Hogan (Saturday)
Hands-On-Geography! - Maggie Hogan (Saturday)
Phone: 847-603-1259 (Monday-Friday, 1:00PM-5:00PM)