2010 ICHE State Convention June 3-5 2010. Calvary Church Naperville,IL.
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  1. Beginners
  2. Strength Based Leadership
  3. Christian Worldview
  4. Parents of Preschoolers
  5. Mothers and Fathers
  6. Expanded Academics Including Charlotte Manson
  7. Struggling and special needs learners
  8. high school here we come
  9. pathway for pre-teens
  10. Pathway for teens and young adults
  11. Download & Print the 2010 ICHE Convention Brochure

Convention Information


Expanded Academics Including Charlotte Manson

Plenty of workshops are available to provide you with teaching helps! Thursday evening’s “Funshops” are an enjoyable addition to this path!
  1. Philosophy of Education: Your Compass - Susan Chrisman

  2. Beyond the Textbooks - Rick Boyer (Friday)

Charlotte Manson Many of you have been asking for CM workshops. A series of four are in the line-up!
  1. Thinking Toward High School - Susan Chrisman (Friday)

  2. Art & Music: Icing on the Cake or Essential Food for the Soul & Brain - Susan Chrisman (Saturday)

  3. History for All Ages - Susan Chrisman (Saturday)

  4. Habit Training: Key to Maintaining your Sanity - Susan Chrisman (Thursday)

Science Sound evidence for the account of creation found in Genesis ~ the basis for all other science ~ and the deceptions of evolution. You will be amazed at the detail found here! Be sure to plan on attending some of these workshops.
  1. Amazing Complexity & Design in Life - David D'Armond (Thursday)

  2. Creation, Dinsaurs & The Ark - David D'Armond (Friday)

  3. Teaching Science under the Attributes of God - David D'Armond (Friday)

  4. The Bible Said it First - David D'Armond (Friday)

  5. The Flood, the Tower & the Ice Age - David D'Armond (Saturday)

Hands on Science
  1. The Beat Goes On - Lainna Callentine (Thursday/Friday)

  2. The Code of Life: For Teens and Pre-Teens - David D'Armond (Thursday/Satruday)

History History buffs and fun, fast-paced workshops will bring life and a brand new meaning to studying history.
  1. Ancient Civilizations: History Starts Here - Maggie Hogan (Thursday)

  2. Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego: Thursday Night Funshop - Cedric Saunders (Friday)

  3. Rekindling Our Founders' Vision - Marilyn Boyer(Friday)

  4. George Washington Carver - Cedric Saunders (Friday)

  5. David & Goliath: Movie Night - Cedric Saunders (Friday)

  6. Packing a Punch with Timelines & Maps - Maggie Hogan (Friday)

  7. History & Geography through Literature - Maggie Hogan (Friday)

  8. History for All Ages - Susan Chrisman (Saturday)

  9. Booker T. Washington - Cedric Saunders (Saturday)

Math Teaching helps for tough topics! Join Steve Demme for tips about fractions, decimals and algebra.
  1. Fun with Place Value in the Decimal System - Steve Demme (Thursday)

  2. Elementary Algebra Taught Concretely - Steve Demme (Friday)

  3. Seeing Fractions is Understanding Fractions - Steve Demme (Friday)

Language Hear from the experts on topics such as reading, speech, literature, poetry and grammar.
  1. Teaching Reading with Success - Joyce Herzog (Friday)

  2. History & Geography through Literature - Maggie Hogan (Friday)

  3. Gavel Club: Preparing to Give an Answer - Dan Caswell (Friday/Saturday)

  4. Simplified Grammar - Joyce Herzog (Saturday)

  5. Poetry - Why Bother? - Maggie Hogan (Saturday)

  6. Getting Started in Storytelling - Cedric Saunders (Friday/Saturday)

More Academics If you come looking for academic helps, along with those already mentioned you’ll find workshops covering geography, notebooking, art, and music!
  1. Classical Composers for Dummies: Music History for the Musically Challenged - Maggie Hogan (Friday)

  2. Art & Music: Icing on the Cake or Essential Food for the Sould & Brain? - Susan Chrisman (Saturday)

  3. Wow-Booking - Maggie Hogan (Saturday)

  4. Hands-On-Geography! - Maggie Hogan (Saturday)

  1. - The Schedule
  2. - Follow The Pathway
  3. - Registration Information
  4. - About Us
  5. - Map & Location
  6. - Contact Us

Illinois Christian Home Educators

Phone: 847-603-1259 (Monday-Friday, 1:00PM-5:00PM)