2010 ICHE State Convention June 3-5 2010. Calvary Church Naperville,IL.
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  1. Registration Discounts
  2. Register For A Free Gift!
  3. Main-in Registration
  4. Children/Nursing Infants
  5. Convention Day Check-in
  6. Walk-in Registration
  7. Volunteer Workers Needed
  8. Download & Print the 2010 ICHE Convention Brochure

Registration Information


Children & Nursing Infants

We do not encourage children under 13 years of age to attend the convention. Our goal is to educate parents, and we feel that children will benefit more, in the long run, from having parents attend the convention, than from being there themselves. Nevertheless, if you feel it is necessary to bring your young children, please help keep the convention enjoyable and peaceful by abiding by these rules:
  1. Nursing infants (15 months & under) may come free with their parents. Due to our roomier facility, strollers are permitted everywhere, even the Exhibit Halll.

  2. Children (16 months through 10 yrs.) may attend with their parents, but each child attending must pay the fee of $55. Children must be registered on the same form as their parents. Group discounts do not apply. Children must always be accompanied by an adult.

  3. Workshop & Keynote Sessions: Young children, nursing infants, and their parents, must sit in the back of the room near the door. Children who fidget or talk, and babies who make disturbing noises-even happy ones-must be removed immediately! Young children under 11 are not permitted to ask questions during any of the sessions. This is an opportunity for educators to educate themselves.

  4. Children under 13 must be supervised by an adult at all times. They cannot be left unattended.

  5. Strollers - We are pleased to allow strollers in our expanded Exhibit Hall again this year. Packages may be put in safe-keeping with those who are working the ICHE Package Check.

  1. - The Schedule
  2. - Follow The Pathway
  3. - Registration Information
  4. - About Us
  5. - Map & Location
  6. - Contact Us

Illinois Christian Home Educators

Phone: 847-603-1259 (Monday-Friday, 1:00PM-5:00PM)